Switzerland Articles

Backpacking the Haute Route: Day 1 – Chamonix, France

Backpacking the Haute Route: Day 1 – Chamonix, France

The Haute Route is a series of backpacking trails that span from Chamonix, France to Zermatt, Switzerland. Depending on which paths you take, the trail is roughly 120 miles long. We decided to backpack the entire route over 13 days. We flew into Geneva, Switzerland...

Backpacking the Haute Route: Day 2 – Chamonix to Trient

Backpacking the Haute Route: Day 2 – Chamonix to Trient

With our trusty guidebook in hand, we boarded the bus in Chamonix, France for our first day of hiking. The doors of the bus opened in Argentière, we stepped off and our adventure began. To find the trail the guidebook gave directions from the center of town – we had...

Backpacking the Haute Route: Day 3 – Trient to Champex

Backpacking the Haute Route: Day 3 – Trient to Champex

The night before, we scouted the trail leading out of Trient to prevent another morning of getting lost. Up and away we ascended steeply. We had plenty of company with backpackers hiking the Tour de Mont Blanc. The TMB is a similar trail that circles Mount Blanc and...

Backpacking the Haute Route: Day 4 – Champex to Verbier

Backpacking the Haute Route: Day 4 – Champex to Verbier

Today’s hike was supposed to be easy. Only an estimated four hours and most of the terrain was downhill. This was a relief because our bodies were still getting used to walking so many miles a day. We needed the rest. As we left the hotel we descended a few steep...

Backpacking the Haute Route: Day 5 – Verbier to Cabane de Louvie

Backpacking the Haute Route: Day 5 – Verbier to Cabane de Louvie

Excited, we left the hotel room. Today’s hike contained a few milestones for us. This would be our first high mountain pass, and our first time to stay in a mountain hut. The wilderness was supposed to be more remote. Our first leg of the journey was a cable car ride...

Backpacking the Haute Route: Day 7 – Prafleuri to Arolla

Backpacking the Haute Route: Day 7 – Prafleuri to Arolla

We scheduled an early morning breakfast, eager to get out on the trail. It was a cloudy morning, but today’s hike was supposed to be adventurous – walking over glaciers and climbing ladders over a mountain pass. The trail quickly lead us over the steep Col de Roux....

Backpacking the Haute Route: Day 8 – Arolla to Les Haudères

Backpacking the Haute Route: Day 8 – Arolla to Les Haudères

Due to all of the boulder hopping the day before, Nuthin and I both woke up with injuries.  My knees were hurting and Nuthin had a bad knee and ankle. Today’s hike was an easy 3-hour walk, and mostly downhill to the small town of Les Haudères. We slept in and had a...

Backpacking the Haute Route: Day 9 – Les Haudères to Grimentz

Backpacking the Haute Route: Day 9 – Les Haudères to Grimentz

Today’s hike was supposed to be strenuous, roughly 7 to 8 hours long and extreme elevation changes. We were also in a time crunch, the bus we had to catch at the end of the day to Grimentz left at 3:30 pm. We woke up at 5:30 am to have breakfast. Breakfast was not...

Backpacking the Haute Route : Day 10 – Grimentz to Zinal

Backpacking the Haute Route : Day 10 – Grimentz to Zinal

Today’s hike was only an estimated 4 hours long but with heavy elevation changes. Getting lost and not hiking much the day before was nice for our injuries. We thought with an easy day today maybe we could get rid of them. We ate breakfast and caught a short bus ride...

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