Hi, I’m Merci.
Mercedes is my real name, but my friends call me Merci. I have a genetic disorder called Imerslund-Grasbeck Syndrome, but my parents didn’t know that when they got me. My disease is essentially a vitamin B12 deficiency, which means I can’t absorb B12 from my food. The side effects are loss of appetite, failure to gain weight, and lack of energy. The most embarrassing thing though is that I lost my color. I was scared when I went outside people would think my parents were mistreating me. It took 27 vet visits and 2 visits with a gastrointestinal specialist before they figured it out. I almost died, but I don’t like to focus on the negatives.

Merci sick at 6 months old

Merci running along the Pacific Crest Trail in Southern California
My two favorite things to do in the whole world is to catch a frisbee and go backpacking with my parents. The best thing about both of those is that I get to run. Dad says I can be a bit of trouble sometimes, but really, I just have a lot of energy. I also love to meet new people – particularly children, they are a bit closer to my size and usually share my same exuberance for life.

Merci enjoying a game of futbol in Oaxaca, Mexico
I was about a year old when my parents decided to be adventurous and travel around the world. In my first year of
Random Facts
About Me
- I walked over Thorong La Pass in Nepal at 17,769 ft.
- I stick my tongue out every time I hear a squeaky toy.
- I’m terrified of red dish towels.
- The longest day of hiking I’ve done is 24 miles.
- I once sparred with a lobster.