About Us
Gator and Nuthin
Funny name, right? These were the names given to us by other hikers when we hiked the Pacific Crest Trail in 2016. The PCT is a 2,650 mile-long trail spanning from Mexico to Canada across California, Oregon, and Washington. The reason you are given a trail name is that when you are hiking a long-distance trail, the experience changes you into a different person. We found that to be true.
The trail helped us to realize that we were alive, but we weren’t taking time to enjoy life. We knew something had to change. After completing the PCT, we made a conscious choice to travel as often as possible and decided to spend our money on experiences rather than possessions.
The style of traveling that we enjoy the most is backpacking in places off the beaten path with our dog Merci. Staying for longer periods of time allows us the time to get to know the landscape, culture, and cuisine of a certain region. Traveling like this is also easier for Merci. She can spend more time in our destinations instead of on planes and trains. Everywhere we go, she goes.
Travel has made a positive impact on our lives. When we shared our stories about travel with friends and family, people were moved by our experiences. This encouraged us to start our website. Ultimately, we want to share our travel experiences and encourage others to go explore the world. It is a vast and wonderful place.
We would love to hear from you! If you have any questions for us about our travels please contact us – we answer every email personally. Follow us on social media to keep up with our latest adventures!